To Be Found by the Light
Photo by Ravi Sharma on Unsplash.
Each and every morning, ere the sun rises, is a chance to begin again.
To be found once more.
By your God. By the Creator. By your partner. By your children.
By the people who love you most and who truly see you.
The light you carry.
The light you hide from yourself.
The light you hide from others.
The light buried beneath the dirt you put there.
And yet still.
They see you.
They find you.
With the light of the morning, every day welcomes you.
Welcomes you with one magical moment to have light and shadow seen.
Welcomes you with the hope of love reaching out.
Will you reach back?
Will you grasp the love they send?
The love you owe yourself?
The love you can give back?
There will come a day when the light of the morning will end.
Some day we will stop welcoming it back.
Some day the light will stop finding us.
But not today.
Today, the light of the morning presents an opportunity.
To love those people back.
To let a little more of our light show.
To take back from the shadow.
Welcome the light.
Welcome that first glimpse of sunshine.
Welcome the love it carries with it.
Every day, be found.
Every day, find yourself.
Every day, find others.
Every day, with the light, be found.
**Inspired by David Whyte’s, “What to Remember When Waking”. He’s one of my favorite poets, and I find remarkable calm in his Irish/British accent and the beauty of his poetry. Quick example: “…waking as if I’d just been given this new cargo of revelation in the night.”
**Available on the Waking Up app. I use it almost every day, free trial available here. I see/receive nothing, just a huge fan of theirs.